Between 4 and 6 (promise I'll go back to 5!)

Look, a diary takes forever to read, and plus I had to put it down for a minute to start work on a project I'm really excited about that I'll announce... soon.

Also I think I'm a little burned out.

Because I only read one book.

Daddy Long-Legs, by Jean Webster - evidently this is a classic for a ton of people but I only encountered it on a list of books for Anne of Green Gables fans, where it absolutely fits.  It's utterly charming and I recommend it whole heartedly even though there's some gross gaslighting bullshit in it.  Maybe it's because I went to a women's college - I found it an absolute delight and you will too if you have any interest in women's education in the early 20th century or like epistolary novels or love plucky female orphans n' such.


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