Link Martindale

Evidently 1% of children's books published in the UK in 2017 had a black or minority ethnic main character. So I saw this statistic reported in a lot of places and yes, it's bad.  It's real bad.  But the same study also found that ONLY ONE BOOK WITH A MINORITY MAIN CHARACTER WAS A COMEDY.  And I think that's frankly worse, because that means that if you're a child of color in the UK and you happen to somehow manage to find one of the 391 books where you can see yourself represented, all but one is gonna be an issues book.  Or it's gonna be a book where the dog dies.  Or it's going to be an issues book where the dog dies (I'm talking to you, Sounder.)  And obviously issues books are important, and we need to keep writing them and reading them, but if they're the only way you can see yourself in books, it's really obvious that books think that your identity is a problem to be dealt with, and that sucks.  Do.  Better.

In sweeter news, back in June the Guardian ended its Little Library Cafe series with a recipe for Midsummer Cake from I Capture the Castle.  Please preserve my illusions and allow me to continue to believe that British people all have elderflower cordial just cluttering up their cabinets.

The Eisners are out, and while I have to admit I haven't read most of the award winners this year I can tell you that My Favorite Thing is Monsters is amazing and you should go read it right now.

I assume most of you know this, but if you don't I need to make sure you do - if you have a kid and you live in many places in the US, Australia, the UK, and Canada, Dolly Parton will send you books for free.  (And I better not hear you or anybody else talk shit about Dolly Parton, not in my house.)  They don't care how much money you make, you just sign up and they mail you a book a month.  It actually works through local partner organizations and it's incredibly effective at getting books in the hands of children.  To the tune of a million books a month.  If you have a small child, sign up.  If you have money, give it to them.


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